The influence of heridity and environment on the development
of an individual has been viewed differently by scholoars. There are extreme
views also. But the fact remains that the functioning of heredity and
environment is similar to that of two eyes, two hands, two feet, two legs, etc.
on the development of a person. Each one is complementary and supplementary to
the other. Sometimes one plays a more dominant role and the other relatively
less dominant role. For the balanced and harmonious development of an
individual, a balanced and harmonious interaction between heredity and
environment is very essential. Of course, each has its limitations. There is a
limit ot which each can influence the development of the individual. The role
of the home and the school is to ensure that optimum use is made of these
of heredity (Nature)
“One’s heredity consists of all
the sturctures, physical characteristics functions or capacities derived from
parents, other ancestry or species”.
In the words of R,S. Woodworth
(1945), “Heredity covers all the factors that are present in the individual
when he begins life not at birth, but at the time of conception about nine
months before birth”.
Douglas and B.F.Holland (1947) define heredity as, “one’s heredity consists of
all the structures, physical characteristics, funtions or capacities derived
from parents, other ancestry or species”.
child comes into this world with certain physical and mental characteristics
which he got from his parents and ancestors.
is born with a body and mind which developed from the fertilized ovum. His
limbs and organs grow from the same. Some of his mental tendencies are also
based on the same. This is all account of heredity.
of environment (Nurture)
In a broad sense, environment
means cultural, economic, intellectual, motor, physical, political, religious
and social factors which influence the development of the individual. All these
factors and mould the behaviour of a person from time to time. Two individuals
born with the same biological heritage differ because of differing
environments. Sometimes it is said that environment is nothing but a process
under suitable conditions to change the shape of raw material just as a potter
does while making toys of mud. But this anology is not exactly applicable to a
human being who is an animate one. He is not only influenced by the environment
but also influences the enviroment.
Environment includes the home, the neighbourhood, the peers,
the schools and a host of other agencies. No individual is the same at maturity
as he was born. The environment changed him. Every thing that influences the
child apart from himself what he inherits from his parents and ancestors is his
environment. In this context we may not the following definitions of
O.B.Douglas and B.F. Holland
(1947) define environment as “a word which describes, in the aggregate, all of
the extrinsic (external) forces influences and conditions, which affect the
life, nature, behaviour and the growth, development and maturation of living
R.S.Woodworth and D.G.Marques
(1948) state, “Environment covers all the outside factors that have acted on
the individual since he began life”.
E.G.Boring, H.S. Longeld and
H.P. Fed write, “The environment is everything that affects the individual
except his genes”.
The ultimate aim in
growth&development is the achievement of a well adjusted, balanced,
effective and integrated personality. Teacher has to direct the students to
grow effective& well developed personality so that they may contribute
their best to the community and to the
country. Therefore, it is very essential for teachers & educators to
understand the nature, characteristics & principles of growth
of growth and development
Growth refers to increase in
size, height, and weight. It implies the growth of heart, brain, nerves,
muscles and body in general. Growth is always observable and measurable.
The term development refers to
“change in structure, form of shape and improvement in functioning. It is
progressive series of changes in an orderly coherent pattern. ‘Progressive’
signifies that the changes are directional leading forward rather than
backward. These changes include changes in proportions, disappearance of old
features and acquisition of new features at physical, intellectual, emotional
and social level of daily living.
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