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Friday, October 16, 2015


         In modern economic world the concept of ethical professional values is very important because ethical professional values are part of human values to serve the social structure.  
        Every profession, has its own professional ethics and different from general ethics. In the term professional ethics, the word ‘ethics’ adds to the professional obligation that a professional abides by. Many institutions have a code of conduct but not professional ethics. Professional ethics give a certain set of broad principles, derived in turn from a spectrum of values which are arrived at after deep philosophical reflection on the nature and role of the profession in the life of mankind.
         The teaching profession has slowly evolved a code conduct and professional ethics in the offering. The teaching profession should have taken the lead in the matter of offering its own profession and  arriving explicitly at a code of professional ethics.
         The terms profession and professional are used in many different senses. Some of them are not relevant in the present context.
                 For example, one meaning of the word professional is a person who engages in sporting, artistic or some other leisurely activity for earning money rather than for merely enjoining it as a hobby.
          It is very simple words that it Is way for earning live. It is very broad term to cover of the occupation, but it is very specific related to specific job or vocation. Profession is related to job.   
        A branch of philosophy dealing with values pertaining to human conduct, considering the rightness and wrongness of actions and the goodness or badness of the motives ends of such actions.
      Professional people and those working in acknowledged professionals exercise specialist knowledge and skill. How the use of this knowledge should be when providing a service to the pupil can be considered issue and is termed professional ethics.
      Professional ethics is a set of standards adopted by a professional community. Professional ethics are regulated by standards, which are often referred to as of ethics.
         It has been mentioned that the concept of professional ethics is the topic related to pedagogical beliefs not to the educational technology. The professional ethics has the following components.
v  Roles and responsibility of a school teacher.
v  Functions and duties of a teacher.
v  To follow the norms of teaching or teacher council.
v  To follow the value, beliefs and ideals of a teach.
v  To follow the terms and conditions of teaching procession.
In our context teacher has wide responsibilities and he is considered to be an ideal for the students as well as to the society.
     Teaching professional ethics is theoretical as well as behavioural symptoms. The following are the teaching professional ethics:
1.      Teaching communication reaches upto the minds of students or teaches their mind.
2.      A n effective teaches his subject content with his humour and smiling mood.
3.      The role of a teacher is like a clouds raining uniformly. He imparts his knowledge equally but devoted students gain better.
4.      The teacher communication is understandable to the students.
5.      The teacher teaches with great confidence in classroom.
6.      The teacher tries to provide a new direction to his student.
7.      The teacher convert the destructive tendency into constructive capacity of his students.
8.      The teacher develops good culture and good habits among students.
9.      He provides latest or upon knowledge to his students.
10.  The teacher is committed to his responsibility arid duties.
11.  He develops spiritual and emotional intelligence of his students.
12.  Teacher develops the knowledge and wisdom of the students.
13.  Teacher develops the power of judgement and taking self- decision and self- efforts.
14.  Teacher remains student through out- his life.
15.  He is an ideal for his students and for his society.
           In order to arrive at such a professional ethics, the teachers and teacher educator must be able to distinguish between philosophy of education and philosophy of teacher education. Also the difference between the social and historical frameworks to the teaching profession. The teacher has to be an example for his students and the society and therefore the value system he holds should be clear, precise and ethical.
         The concept of professional ethics for a teacher can be summed up in the words of Rabindranath Tagore, “ in our ideal life we must touch all men and all time’s through the manifestation of a truth which is eternal and universal”.
         Teacher’s who consider their job as a profession, work only for pay cheque. But our cultural heritage proves that true teachers are those who consider their job as honourable. Their activities become honourable only when they work with a sense of self- fulfilment and self- realization.
         The teachers entire personality is a reflection of the minds of the students. If the teacher is honest, leads a balanced and disciplined life, the children about these virtues as ideal conduct unconsciously. The ideal teachers is one who through his thoughts, words and deeds, gives an impression of an honest upright life which can serve as a model for the students to copy, follow and emulate. Learning by imitation is best technique.
         The teacher should take a pledge to follow the code of ethics which may bring credit to the entire profession. The following code may be suggested which each teacher should understand and should try to adopt as his professional ethics.
Ø  Towards students: It shall be our primary duty to understand them, to be just, courteous, to promote a spirit of enquiry, fellowship and joy in them, not to do are say anything that would undermine their personality, not to exploit them for personal interests and to set before them a high standard of character, discipline and personality.
Ø  Towards professional: It shall be our primary duty to be sincere and honest to our work and to go thoroughly prepared to the class, to endeavour to maintain our efficiency by study and other means; not to do or say anything which may lower our prestige in the eyes of our students; not to write or encourage the use of help- books; not to act as an agent or accept commissions and other compensation for recommending books.
Ø  Towards society/ Community: It shall be our primary duty to set an example in citizenship, to endeavour to promote the public good, to uphold the dignity of our calling on all occasions, to size up the demands and aspirations of the society, to be dynamic leaden when required and to be ideal followers when desired.
Ø  Teacher’s Union: Teacher’s union can also playa very significant role in creating an atmosphere in which shirkers and other people with doubtful intentions may not find a congenial environment. Union should create a bublic opinion which should serve as an adequate sanction against such unsocial acts. Now teacher’s are merely used as a forum for ventilating their grievance and otherwise trying to promote service conditions. In addition, these unions should also take steps which may help the teachers in projecting their proper image among the people.        

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