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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Questionnaire & schedule

Collection of data is an important stage in any research. Questionnaire and schedules are playing a vital role in collection of data. Questionnaire is yet the most flexible of tools in collecting both qualitative and quantitative information. Careful preparation of a good questionnaire takes a great deal of time, ingenuity and hard work.

Meaning of Questionnaire:
                     Collection of data is an important stage in research. In fact, the quality of data collected determines the quality of research. While primary data is collected, several methods could be adopted. Of these, the most popular and widely adopted method is use of a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a sheet or sheets of paper containing questions relating to certain specific aspect, regarding which the researcher collects the data.
                  “In general the word questionnaire refers to a device for securing answers to questions by using a form which the respondent fills in himself”.- Goode and Hatt.

Questionnaire & schedule
                   Often there is confusion among researchers regarding the usage of questionnaire and schedule. It is better to understand the difference between them, before adopting any of them in the process of data collection. Questionnaire is already defined. Schedule is also a sheet (s) of paper containing questions relating to certain specific aspect, about which the scholar is collecting data.

Types of questionnaire
The two important forms of questionnaire are
Ø  The closed form or restricted questionnaire
Ø  The open form or unrestricted questionnaire.

Closed form
                        Questionnaires that call for short, check-mark responses are known as the restricted or closed-form type. Here you mark a yes or no, write a short response, or check an item from a list of suggested responses.

Open-End form
                        It is otherwise known as free-response or unstructed form, which calls for a free response in the respondent’s own words. It provides for greater depth of response. The items here are objective as the respondents reveal their own frames of reference rather than the researcher’s.

Features of a good questionnaire
            The following are the points to be given importance while designing a questionnaire:
  1. Questionnaire should be printed/ cyclostyled / photo-copied.
  2. The first part of the questionnaire should specify the object or purpose for which the information is required.
  3. An assurance to the respondent that the information furnished would be kept confidentially must be given.
  4. Some introduction about the person/ organization who is collecting the information should be given.
  5. Questions should be constructed using simple language and technical jargons, terms, concepts should all be avoided.
  6. Questions should never be lengthy. It is wiser not to combine a number of questions in one question itself.
  7. Each question should be specific and clear.
  8. Personal questions on wealth, habits, etc., could be avoided.
  9. Questions should not require any referencing before replying.
  10. Questions should not force the respondent to recall from his memory anything to answer
  11. Repetition of question should be eliminated.
  12. Sufficient space should be given for answering questions.

Pre-testing a questionnaire (or) Pilot Study
            It is often suggested that before a questionnaire is finalized, it should be field-tested. That is, after the questionnaire is drafted, to decide whether it is comprehensive or not, it is used with a few respondents. Their responses are studied to determine the need for restructuring the questionnaire, re-sequencing the questions, addition or deletion of questions, giving more instructions for filling up, etc., can also be decided. Further, the pilot study will bring to light the weaknesses of the questionnaire. Based on the pre-test, necessary modifications in the questionnaire can be made and then it could be released for use.

Merits of questionnaire
  1. It involves lesser cost as questionnaire could be sent by post to a wide area.
  2. It does not interfere with the respondent while answering the question.
  3. The bias of the investigator is completely eliminated.
  4. Respondents are given sufficient time to fill up the questionnaire.
  5. This method is useful when the sample size is very large.
  6. If respondents cannot be reached personally, questionnaire is the alternative method available.

Demerits of questionnaire
1.      It is always found that the response rate in questionnaire is very poor compared to using schedules.
2.      Bias of the respondent cannot be determined easily.
3.      Only if the respondents are educated, questionnaire could be used for collecting information.
4.      Follow up of non- response or unfilled questionnaire only adds to the cost and time.
5.      There is no scope for giving any clarification to the respondents in case of need.
6.      Accuracy of response cannot be ensured.

Use of schedules
            Whenever a researcher uses schedule to collect data, the following steps should be taken.
  1. The researcher should prepare the list of respondents to be contacted or the area where they can be contacted.
  2. Depending on requirement, investigators should be selected.
  3. the investigators should be explained the purpose of the survey, their job, responsibilities, accuracy desired, importance of answers recorded, the need to be clear in recording details, etc.,
  4. The investigators should be trained with the schedule.
  5. Necessary instructions to the investigators to deal with different types of problems on field should be given.
  6. Sufficient arrangement for field control, monitoring and supervision should be made.
  7. Method of follow up of non-response should be determined in advance.
  8. The investigators selected should be honest, sincere, hard working, patient and take all efforts to collect the details.
  9. Time frame for completing the data collection should be clearly spelt out.
  10. Periodical review of the filled up schedules would help to reframe the questions or change the sequence or initiate corrective action.

1. Is the questionnaire a more appropriate tools than, or as appropriate a tool as, some other data-                                         
     Gathering instruments for the specific problem in hand.
2.  Is not the information he requires available through documentary sources or related literature.
3. Does the recipient of the questionnaire have the information required and is he free and willing  
     to respond.


            Now a day’s most of the researches are conducted in all fields. Questionnaire and schedules are very useful in collect the information as fast as possible. Questionnaire is useful when the sample size is very large also. 

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